(Inspired by Aave's staking contract)

  1. Head over to the "Investments" tab to view the UI for single-sided staking of $DEXTF


  1. Under "Wallet Balance", you see your wallet $DEXTF balance. You can input the amount you'd like to stake and click "Stake". You'll need to approve the staking transaction.


  1. To withdraw (unstake and/or claim rewards) you need to click "Unlock" and start the 10 days cooldown, after which there's a 2 days window to execute the withdrawl. Do remember to withdraw during the 2 days, else you'll need to start another cooldown period and wait 10 days, repeating the entire process.

Here is a quick glance at the process:




  1. For compounding (i.e. stake the earned interests), you need to claim your rewards, then stake them (2 operations)