How to provide liquidity to the Uniswap whitelisted XTF fund token pools

  1. Go back to this page on our website’s documentation section.
  2. Click on the green link after identifying a potential fund that interests you (in this case XTF.YYYBOX)

  1. Since you’ve already bought the XTF.YYYBOX from the previous section, now click on Add Liquidity (on the top right corner of the UI)

  1. You’ll land in this page (this is the last step):

  1. Now enter the amount of XTF.YYYBOX you’d like to LP for and a corresponding DEXTF amount will be calculated by Uniswap for you. If all looks good, add the liquidity and LP tokens will be issued to you.

  1. There are NO further steps until staking contracts are ready for LP tokens to be staked. Currently, LP rewards will be accrued and streamed without any staking.